Tokoh ekonomi 6 "Jean Baptist Say (Traite D'Economie Politique 1803)"
Jean Baptist Say, He is expected economic's birth of Frence that busniess family. And he is spupport an idea Adam Smith. In the books he is given idea to call theorie des debouchees( This theory market and marketing). And in the world economic's more than femous Say's law. This theory become basicly compass and key economic science 100 years ago. And the end of truth quarreled John Maynard Keynes in 1930-an. The maintame say minded viewed classical mazhab. At something equilibrium, production prosces in her self, will make income and out-put at level and volume that make demand(buying) that be equal to perverade all of out-put production(production creates its own demand) producticty capasity installed although work oppurtunity used full. And Impossible happen excess production although inadequacy in the propensity consumption or eternal unemployment. In the say argument, from production prosses goods will making efectifities demand level(aggregate effective demand) that all deep will sufficient from buying aggregate supply from out-put from price every product goods that sell will become retaine service shapped wage, interest, profit, and land rent. Not all of income maked investment and partly in savings. But savings an individuals a certain moment will distribusion as investment. In this case, not all say's law accepted with econom-econom classical mazhab. Is a reject Say's law that: Thomas Malthus. he is reject truthly say's law. Malthus indeed giving evidence in under consumption, and in the end Theory, John Maynard Keynes attacked this theory and laizez faire, laizzez passer in 1930-an
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