

The journey begaining from Surabaya at 17-July-2009. Iam and my friend promise to meet our campus (Airlangga University). We go to Stasion Pasar turi,ridden mini bus in from campus. The driven minibus is skilled but rought ratter. Break throught traffick lamp and with quickly. We reach heart sport ck...ck....ck but we enjoy and happy with the driven style. At 15.15 we are arivied in stasion pasar tur. I buy twoticked kertajaya train majors Surabaya-Jakarta.Ticked price Rp. 26.000, economic class.We don't hard image to Ambarawa,terminolgy Bonex. This inside train, we not to earn seat. But initially we join in someone, them is in the same boat. Brevity weget acquamted. Them we laughing together her inside train. In this train,many saller 'pedagang kaki lima'.The that to sell of any food and drinking. But mayority,this saller of instant food. At Lamongan about 17.00,the train is stopped in this stasion. Many person entry to train. The consequencesy the matter, iam and my friend must to standing up in train because we not to passes number of set. Hmmmm....I tired must be standing up, start in Lamongan to Semarang. Iam observase in many person the nearest,I to pay attention the behavior people. An iam take several conclusion: 1.Mayority them will to working in Jabodetabek.2. Mayority a work of saller food. 3.Mayority a graduate midle school. 4.Mayority to buy product water drinking and popmie. 5.There is oknum PJKA that to do sell of chairs emptys. At 21.15, we to go down in stasion Semarang. Wuih...... Alhamdulilah, we safety in this way. We search to food in outside stasion area. Hmmm..... Iam Hunggry, at least we are found is 'warung' road side. We eating pecel lele and drinking orenge could, hmm... delicious. The after eating we are search to mosquito, Pray and sleeping. Hoaaammm..... iam weak up exact to time is shubuh praying. We are preposition for those. After shubuh praying iam to bathe in bath room at mosquito area. The water is could, but with spirit 45 iam must to breath. Whooaaaa.... Iam fresh, My body to suffer full the spirit of adventure.Okey, lets beginto continued adventureto Ambarawa. oups..... iam forgot, my friend still slepin. Hey wake up,lets go to Ambarawa.

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